Saturday, June 23, 2007

Will he sign it?

In President Bush's last State of the Union address, he stated his desire to increase fuel economy standards for passenger cars. The Senate just passed a bill that would accomplish that goal, though in a manner different than what the President had been proposing. The House has also committed to these changes (in fact it was a House bill that the Senate passed, although an amended version), so it seems that the President will have something on his desk sooner than later.

Another less discussed component of this issue, though perhaps as significant in many ways, was the overhaul of the fuel economy estimates by the EPA earlier this year. Since the Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards that are to be raised by the bill are based on the EPA estimates, the accuracy of the estimates is critical to ensuring the bill has the intended effect. Admittedly, the new EPA estimates still aren't where they probably should be, but they are no doubt better, and they promise a more significant impact than there would have been if the old methodology had been maintained.

So the question I have is, will he sign it?

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